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Twins sleep packages

Not everyone gets it, but we do.


It seems like a miracle to get one baby sleeping well, let alone two.

You feel anxious they will wake each other constantly on top of the seemingly impossible feat to sync their sleep periods. 


We've helped 80+ sets of twins and counting!


Unlimited Twin Sleep Plan


We will solve nights and naps...sync schedules and all the goodness that comes along with that!

 We will provide an achievable routine for twins that one caregiver alone can implement!


  • Intake form


  • Unique sleep plan


  • 60-90 min consultation & plan review


  • Daily sleep data analysis


  • 2-weeks of coaching + 2 phone calls

Twins with Down Syndrome in Wheelbarrow

Unlimited Plus Twin
Sleep Plan


We will solve nights and naps...sync schedules and all the goodness that comes along with that!

 We will provide an achievable routine for twins that one caregiver alone can implement!

  • Intake form 


  • Unique sleep plan


  • 60-90 min consultation & plan review


  • Daily sleep data analysis


  • 2-weeks of coaching + 2 phone calls


  • In the moment virtual bedtime assistance until 10pm cst.           (Nights 1 & 2)


  • 3 follow up emails after your children have completed the plan. (1 per month) or one 45-min phone call

Mother with Twins
Family Time

Toddler & School Age 
Twin Sleep Plans

We provide one on one coaching services to meet your family wherever you are in the sleep journey. There is never an arrangement or 'habit' that can't be corrected. Wish to have help during the crib to bed transition?

This package is just for you.

"First I would like to say that even as I was in the process of hiring Lindsay as a sleep consultant I was 100 percent skeptical if not almost sure that it would not work on my twins. My twins were sleeping in separate rooms, not napping during the day, not sleeping at the same times, and most importantly they were waking up every hour during the night at different times too! So needless to say I never got any sleep and I was never without a baby during the day. I hired her on a whim and because other twin moms were saying that this was the best investment they ever made. I was desperate even though I had every reason to think that this would never work.
As soon as I hired her we were ready to go that night, I was a nervous wreck. She was available to me during the babies bedtime to walk me through everything we had already talked about but I needed to hear it again because of my nervousness. I couldn’t believe that my babies were not only sleeping in the same room, but without bottles, pacis, magic sleep suits, and SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT. Trust me this is worth it. It’s worth the money.
It’s worth the investment. Because well rested babies and mama is priceless!! 
Trust the process. Trust yourself. And most importantly trust your babies/baby. They can do it and they will be sooo happy to get good rest. Thank you so much Lindsay. There is absolutely no way I could have done this without you."

Rana- mother of twin girls

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